Source: ../../libfeaclient/ifmgr_xrl_replicator.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/libfeaclient/ifmgr_xrl_replicator.hh,v 1.9 2005/11/01 23:33:16 pavlin Exp $


#include "ifmgr_atoms.hh"
#include "ifmgr_cmd_base.hh"
#include "ifmgr_cmd_queue.hh"

#include "libxorp/eventloop.hh"
#include "libxorp/safe_callback_obj.hh"
#include "libxipc/xrl_error.hh"

 * @short Class that sends a configuration information to a remote
 * mirror of IfMgr configuration state.
 * The IfMgrXrlReplicator contains an @ref IfMgrCommandFifoQueue and
 * adds commands to it when @ref IfMgrXrlReplicator::push is called.
 * Invoking push also cranks the queue if an Xrl dispatch is not in
 * progress.  Cranking causes the Xrl at the head of the queue to be
 * dispatched.
 * On the successful dispatch of an Xrl, the next command ready for
 * dispatching as an Xrl is taken from the queue and dispatched if
 * available.  If no command is available, processing stops.  If an
 * Xrl dispatch fails, the overrideable method @ref
 * IfMgrXrlReplicator::xrl_error_event is called.  After an error, the
 * queue processing stops and the IfMgrXrlReplicator instance should in
 * most cases be destructed.
class IfMgrXrlReplicator :
    public IfMgrCommandSinkBase, public CallbackSafeObject  {
    typedef IfMgrCommandSinkBase::Cmd Cmd;

     * Constructor
    IfMgrXrlReplicator(XrlSender&	sender,
		       const string&	xrl_target_name);

     * Add a command to be sent as an Xrl to the remote target.
    void push(const Cmd& cmd);

     * Schedule the next Xrl dispatch.
    void crank_replicator();

     * Accessor for xrl target name.
    inline const string& xrl_target_name() const	{ return _tgt; }

     * Test whether the queue with the commands is empty.
     * @return trie if the queue with the commans is empty, otherwise false.
    bool is_empty_queue() const { return (_queue.empty() == true); }

     * Method invoked when it is time to schedule the next Xrl dispatch.
    virtual void crank_manager();

     * Method invoked when the previous Xrl dispatch has completed.
    virtual void crank_manager_cb();

     * Method invoked when a command should be added to the manager's queue.
    virtual void push_manager_queue();

     * Method invoked when an Xrl dispatch fails.
    virtual void xrl_error_event(const XrlError& e);

     * Not implemented

     * Not implemented
    IfMgrXrlReplicator(const IfMgrXrlReplicator&);

     * Not implemented
    IfMgrXrlReplicator& operator=(const IfMgrXrlReplicator&);

    void xrl_cb(const XrlError& e);

    XrlSender&		  _s;
    string		  _tgt;

    IfMgrCommandFifoQueue _queue;
    bool		  _pending;

class IfMgrXrlReplicationManager;

 * @short An IfMgrXrlReplicator managed by an IfMgrXrlReplicationManager.
 * This class implements the functionality of an IfMgrXrlReplicator,
 * and is used by an IfMgrXrlReplicationManager.  Instances of
 * IfMgrXrlReplicatorManager contain a set of these objects.  When an
 * error occurs with IPC the objects request removal from the manager,
 * which causes their destruction.
class IfMgrManagedXrlReplicator :
    public IfMgrXrlReplicator {
    IfMgrManagedXrlReplicator(IfMgrXrlReplicationManager& manager,
			      XrlSender&		 sender,
			      const string&		 target_name);

     * Method invoked when it is time to schedule the next Xrl dispatch.
    void crank_manager();

     * Method invoked when the previous Xrl dispatch has completed.
    void crank_manager_cb();

     * Method invoked when a command should be added to the manager's queue.
    void push_manager_queue();

    void xrl_error_event(const XrlError& e);

    IfMgrXrlReplicationManager&	_mgr;

class XrlRouter;

 * @short Class that builds and maintains replicator state for
 * multiple remote targets.
class IfMgrXrlReplicationManager : public IfMgrCommandSinkBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandSinkBase::Cmd Cmd;

    IfMgrXrlReplicationManager(XrlRouter& rtr);


     * Add a remote mirror.  The name of the mirror is added to list
     * of known targets and immediately sent a copy of the
     * configuration tree.
     * @param xrl_target_name target to be added.
     * @return true on success, false if target already exists.
    bool add_mirror(const string& xrl_target_name);

     * Remove remote mirror.
     * @param xrl_target_name target to be removed.
    bool remove_mirror(const string& xrl_target_name);

     * Apply command to local configuration tree and forward Xrls to
     * targets to replicate state remotely if application to local tree
     * succeeds.
    void push(const Cmd& c);

     * Method invoked when it is time to schedule the next Xrl dispatch.
    void crank_replicators_queue();

     * Method invoked when the previous Xrl dispatch has completed.
    void crank_replicators_queue_cb();

     * Method invoked when a command should be added to the manager's queue.
    void push_manager_queue(IfMgrManagedXrlReplicator* r);

    inline const IfMgrIfTree& iftree() const		{ return _iftree; }

    typedef list<IfMgrManagedXrlReplicator*> Outputs;

    IfMgrIfTree _iftree;
    XrlRouter&	_rtr;
    Outputs	_outputs;
    Outputs	_replicators_queue;	// Cmd queue with ordered replicators


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