Source: ../../rip/xrl_port_manager.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/rip/xrl_port_manager.hh,v 1.11 2005/03/25 02:54:31 pavlin Exp $


#include "libxorp/service.hh"
#include "libfeaclient/ifmgr_xrl_mirror.hh"
#include "port_manager.hh"

#include "port.hh"

class XrlRouter;

 * @short Class for managing RIP Ports and their transport systems.
 * The XrlPortManager class instantiates RIP Port instances and their
 * transport system.  The methods add_rip_address and
 * remove_rip_address cause @ref Port objects and @ref XrlPortIO
 * objects to be instantiated and destructed.
 * The deliver_packet method forwards an arriving packet to the
 * appropriate @ref XrlPortIO object.
template <typename A>
class XrlPortManager
    : public PortManagerBase<A>,
      public IfMgrHintObserver,
      public ServiceBase,
      public ServiceChangeObserverBase
    inline XrlPortManager(System<A>& 		system,
			  XrlRouter& 		xr,
			  IfMgrXrlMirror& 	ifm)
	: PortManagerBase<A>(system), ServiceBase("RIP Port Manager"),
	  _xr(xr), _ifm(ifm)


     * Request start up of instance.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    bool startup();

     * Request shutdown of instance.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    bool shutdown();

     * Request the addition of an address to run RIP on.  If the
     * address is known to exist on the specified interface and vif, a
     * request is sent to the FEA to create an appropriately
     * bound RIP socket.
     * @param interface to run RIP on.
     * @param vif virtual interface to run RIP on.
     * @param addr address to run RIP on.
     * @return true on success or if address is already running RIP,
     * false on failure.
    bool add_rip_address(const string&	ifname,
			 const string&	vifname,
			 const A&	addr);

     * Remove an address running RIP.
     * @param interface to run RIP on.
     * @param vif virtual interface to run RIP on.
     * @param addr address to run RIP on.
     * @return true on success or if address is not running RIP, false on
     * otherwise.
    bool remove_rip_address(const string&	ifname,
			    const string&	vifname,
			    const A&		addr);

     * Deliver packet to RIP port associated with socket id that
     * received the packet.
     * @param sockid unique socket identifier.
     * @param src_addr source address of packet.
     * @param src_port source port of packet.
     * @param pdata packet data.
     * @return true if packet delivered, false if the owner of the
     * sockid can not be found.
    bool deliver_packet(const string& 		sockid,
			const A& 		src_addr,
			uint16_t 		src_port,
			const vector<uint8_t>& 	pdata);

     * Find RIP port associated with interface, vif, address tuple.
     * @return pointer to port on success, 0 if port could not be found.
    Port<A>* find_port(const string&	ifname,
		       const string&	vifname,
		       const A&		addr);
     * Find RIP port associated with interface, vif, address tuple.
     * @return pointer to port on success, 0 if port could not be found.
    const Port<A>* find_port(const string&	ifname,
			     const string&	vifname,
			     const A&		addr) const;

     * Determine if rip address is up.  The result is based on the current
     * state of information from the FEA.
     * @return true if the address is up, false if the address is not up
     * or does not exist.
    bool underlying_rip_address_up(const string&	ifname,
				   const string&	vifname,
				   const A&		addr) const;

     * Determine if rip address exists.  The result is based on the
     * current state of information from the FEA.
     * @return true if the address is up, false if the address is not up
     * or does not exist.
    bool underlying_rip_address_exists(const string&	ifname,
				       const string&	vifname,
				       const A&		addr) const;

    // IfMgrHintObserver methods
    void tree_complete();
    void updates_made();

    // ServiceChangeObserverBase methods
    // - used for observing status changes of XrlPortIO objects instantiated
    //   by XrlPortManager instance.
    void status_change(ServiceBase*	service,
		       ServiceStatus	old_status,
		       ServiceStatus 	new_status);

    // Attempt to start next io handler.  Walk list of ports, check
    // none are in state SERVICE_STARTING and call start on first found to be
    // in state SERVICE_READY.
    // We start 1 at a time to avoid races trying to create
    // sockets with the fea.
    void try_start_next_io_handler();

    XrlPortManager(const XrlPortManager&);		// not implemented
    XrlPortManager& operator=(const XrlPortManager&);	// not implemented

    XrlRouter& 				_xr;	// XrlRouter
    IfMgrXrlMirror& 			_ifm;	// Interface Mirror
    map<ServiceBase*, Port<A>*>	_dead_ports; // Ports awaiting io shutdown


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Apr 13 21:53:21 2005, using kdoc $.