Source: ../../libxorp/safe_callback_obj.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/safe_callback_obj.hh,v 1.4 2004/06/23 01:08:18 pavlin Exp $


#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

struct SafeCallbackBase;

 * @short Base class for objects that are callback safe.
 * Objects that wish to be callback safe should be derived from this
 * class.  The class works in conjunction with SafeCallbackBase and
 * between them implement callback and callback-object tracking.  When
 * a CallbackSafeObject is destructed it informs all the callbacks that
 * refer to it that this is the case and invalidates (sets to null)
 * the object they point to.
class CallbackSafeObject {
    inline CallbackSafeObject() {}
    virtual ~CallbackSafeObject();

    inline void ref_cb(SafeCallbackBase* scb);
    inline void unref_cb(SafeCallbackBase* scb);

    // Copy operations are not supported.  It's hard to know what the
    // correct thing to do on assignment or copy, so best bet is not
    // to do anything.
    CallbackSafeObject(const CallbackSafeObject&);		// Not implemented
    CallbackSafeObject& operator=(const CallbackSafeObject&);	// Not implemented

    std::vector<SafeCallbackBase*> _cbs;

 * @short Base class for safe callbacks.
 * These are object callbacks that are only dispatched if target of
 * callback is non-null.
class SafeCallbackBase {
     * Constructor.
     * Informs CallbackSafeObject that this callback operates on it.
    SafeCallbackBase(CallbackSafeObject* o);

     * Destructor.
     * Informs CallbackSafeObject that is tracking callback
     * instances that this callback no longer exists.

    void invalidate();

    bool valid() const;

    SafeCallbackBase();					  // Not implemented
    SafeCallbackBase(const SafeCallbackBase&);		  // Not implemented
    SafeCallbackBase& operator=(const SafeCallbackBase&); // Not implemented

    CallbackSafeObject* _cso;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inline CallbackSafeObject methods

inline void
CallbackSafeObject::ref_cb(SafeCallbackBase* scb)

inline void
CallbackSafeObject::unref_cb(SafeCallbackBase* scb)
    std::vector<SafeCallbackBase*>::iterator i =
	find(_cbs.begin(), _cbs.end(), scb);
    if (i != _cbs.end())


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Jul 8 23:48:10 2004, using kdoc $.